Fill Your Pantry FAQs
How does Fill Your Pantry Work?
Fill Your Pantry Corvallis is an annual one-day local food event. In 2024, the event will be held on Sunday, November 3, from 12-3pm in Guerber Hall at the Benton County Fairgrounds. You can pre-order online, shop in person, or both. Online pre-orders are open in 2024 from September 28 through October 20 at and are picked up at the event.
What if I cannot attend on event day?
Unfortunately we are not able to store orders beyond the event. We suggest you pre-order during the online sales period and ask a friend to pick up your order. They'll just need your name and order number and have them check in at the welcome table.
What if I need assistance picking up my order?
We're happy to make this event ADA accessible, please send us an email and let us know how we can help.
What if I am a SNAP recipient?
Eligible SNAP purchases can be made at the event or you can pre-order during the online sales period and pay for your order on event day. When available, we'll use "Fill Your Neighbor's Pantry" funds to help boost your purchase. Check our event page on Facebook for updates on availability.
What can I do to make local food more accessible to others?
When you place your pre-order online, you may choose to "tip" a percentage of your purchase or any dollar amount towards the Fill Your Neighbor's Pantry fund. We distribute these funds to SNAP recipients to boost their purchasing power at the event.
Who are the 2024 vendors?
​Are there other Fill Your Pantry events in Oregon?
Hood River - Coordinated by Gorge Grown Food Network, Gorge Farmer Collective, and Rockford Grange
Central Oregon - in Partnership with the Bend Farmers Market
Eugene - Hosted by Willamette Farm and Food Coalition in partnership with the Lane County Farmers Market
How do I best store the food I purchase?
Check out this primer created by Willamette Food and Farm Coalition for more information.​
What is a Sagra?
The 2023 Fill Your Pantry event featured a Winter Vegetable Sagra -- a food festival focused on local seasonal vegetables. At the event, local chefs spotlighted winter produce through cooking demonstrations and tastings. In Italy, sagra is the word for a local festival. You can learn more about Oregon's local food sagra concept, led by the Culinary Breeding Network, on their website.